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You Been Farming Long?

I was one of those fortunate ones who was lucky enough to be able to visit a farm growing up. This was not just any farm it was the farm where my mom and her brothers and sisters were born and raised. In fact my uncle and aunt still live there.

At my Uncle and Aunts house there was a cute lil picture hanging on their wall of two little boys dressed in overalls and caps standing on a dirt road in what looks to be close to crops and the caption read "You Been Farming Long". I always loved this picture because the boys were so cute. My Uncle and Aunt lived the farm life, driving big tractors tilling the ground, planting, irrigating, harvesting, raising livestock, gardening, canning, freezing the list goes on and on. It was a very interesting life for this "City Slicker". I enjoyed my time there and learned to see the beauty in what surrounded me.

The pictures you see below are just a glimpse into my memories at the farm. The road leading to the farm, the corn fields surrounded by wooden posts with "hot" electric fences to keep the cows out, cornfields for what seemed like miles, a silo to climb in and try and throw a rock or corn cob out of, inside the barn where the livestock was tended to and feed, a work bench that had everything needed to fix anything, a old Studebaker work truck, scrape metal of something you might need in the futures, an old ramp used to load cattle, feeding trough with head catchers used for milking, corals and views that can not be compared.

The times spent on the farm were filled with early mornings, hard work, eating good, learning family traditions and of course FAMILY!! If you have every been so lucky as to visit a farm you would understand what I am speaking of. There is something about being out in the fresh air, in the peace of your own thoughts, caring for plants and livestock to sustain your family otherwise know as living off the land, going to bed so tired because you worked all day and of course feeling the love of a family.

I am so grateful and thankful that I was able to experience this growing up and was able to share it with my kids and now with all of you. I hope that you will be able to find some place and experience being in the peace of your own thoughts. And if someday you meet a farmer you can ask him or her....


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