Butterfly Visitors
Have you ever lost someone so close to your heart, that you thought you couldn't go on living without them?
Let me set the stage a little. I was the youngest of five children and we were pretty spread apart by age. Even thou we were separated by age and some moved out of the house when we would get together it was as if we were never apart. It was always a "special" time filled with love, laughter and some crazy times. Our house was always open especially on holidays and we were blessed to have many people who were friends although they were accepted as part of the family. There was always room at the table and enough food for everyone. It was almost a magical or fairy tale where everyone was accepted and we learned that it was okay to "agree to disagree" but we could still love and be together. Now don't get me wrong we had our share if disagreements and family struggles but we seemed to be able to move on, I think our love pulled us through!!!
My mom and dad were amazing people. They worked hard and tried to do right. But there was something "special" about my mom. She was a straight shooter. You always knew where you stood with her. Sometimes it was painful because she was so honest. But she could also make you feel like there was nothing more important than you or what you were going through. She had a way of making everyone feel welcome and loved. I admit when I was younger I didn't appreciate this and sometimes it was embarrassing when she would talk to strangers when we were out and about and it seemed she really had a relationship with the people she came in contact with from the grocery clerk and the guy at Driftwood Dairy (having five kids I am sure she spent a lot of time there!) the people at the bank really anyone she came in contact with. I think you get the point I'm trying to make SHE WAS AMAZING!!
Then it happened, this amazing women full of life was diagnosed with a heart condition that required surgery. During the surgery they found a cancer mass that needed removal. Then it was discovered she had breast cancer, thyroid problems and even some cancer in her lungs. This was devastating to ALL of us but she was a fighter and we were her biggest supporters. She fought HARD and amazed the Doctors at how long she lived. And we LOVED. Then, the day came that her fight here on earth was over.......
I remember my brother telling a story about being at the park with his daughters and a butterfly came by (and maybe even landed on one of the girls) but he told them that it was Mema showing that she is still always with them. Then at her high school graduation it was tradition to have a tall sign with the graduates name on it. We were all there to celebrate and it was windy and hard to hold the sign up. Low and behold a butterfly landed on the sign and stayed for a long time. It was her Mema was with us!!
So many times when I need her she shows up!! It is AMAZING how it makes me feel. My mom taught me many lessons in life. I think the one that is the most important and the one that I am thankful for is my FAITH. I know I will see her again someday but for now I am thankful for BUTTERFLY VISITORS!!!
We were fortunate to be able to go to a Butterfly Wonderland in Arizona to capture some of these pictures. The one picture of the Butterfly on the post is an actual picture from Alana's Graduation.
Since I have such a special place in my heart for Butterflies and have had a friend (Darlene) who has a Butterfly Garden I am excited to try and create a Butterfly Garden for myself. I hope it will be a SUCCESS so that I will have lots of BUTTERFLY VISITORS!!!