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Where Are The Butterflies?

Well, I have researched how to attract butterflies, prepared the soil, bought the seeds, planted and watered. I have even had to control the growing since some of these things are growing like weeds! You see that is what they are!! I still can't believe I spent money on on seeds for weeds!! Although, I did get some FREE seeds from Honey Nut Cheerios for wildflowers and planted them along side some of my weeds!! This is the CrAzYiest garden I have ever planted. I even found some Red Sunflower's that have multiple blooms!!

As I look out my kitchen window which I do often since it is right over my sink and Lord knows I spend a lot of time there doing dishes, waiting for my coffee to brew and of course bathing my grandson it is BEAUTIFUL!! Even without the butterflies!!

I know the butterflies will not come to lay eggs until my plants are more mature although I thought they would come and visit! You know there is a lot of good nectar out there!!

And of course my Sweet Peas that mean so much to me! My grandmother always had such a beautiful assortment of them! I have tried many times to recreate and have only gotten a few plants and blooms. This is my first bloom!

For know I will enjoy the beauty of the flowers especially when I look out my kitchen window!! And be thankful I have a home, with food in it to prepare and a view out my kitchen window!!

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